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Multiple categories per item in Fluid Pro


Hi there,

First off wonderful work with the Fluid Pro widget. It's a very classy solution that adds a lot of functionality to Muse.

My question is is it possible for a menu item to be tagged with multiple categories? For example, let's say we have a video of a hospital emergency ward. Can that video appear in both a broad 'Health' category as well as a more specialised 'Emergency' category, in addition to the 'All' category? My testing suggests not but I haven't spent a lot of time with the widget.

Many thanks,





Thank you for your comment, Paul.

Unfortunately, it will not be just the way you expect, at least not on this version, we can have the same video on both categories, but both of them will be added to the "All" category. This is actually a handy filtering feature and we are considering this to be added in future updates.

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Chuck Braman

I'd like to second this feature request, which as I understand it, would be the ability to add tags (more than one identifier per item) as opposed to categories (only one identifier per item). That (the ability to sort by more than one trait) would make the functionality of the widget exponentially more powerful, and distinguish it from other similar widgets on the market.

In the case of my particular website, the ability to sort and identify 30 or so videos by more than one criteria would be extremely useful to my visitors.

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I'd definitely second that too. And as absolutely essential. This will be an invaluable sorting tool as I have some items that are 'Video' Some that are 'Digital' And some that are both. This will help visitors find exactly what they need and ensure they won't miss anything. 

It's also be useful for the filter to show items that are also in the lightbox only. But I understand thats a big ask.

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