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For close button of Fluid2.1(Fluid Video&Link)

Takeo Kijima

I'm using Fluid2.1 in AdobeMUSE CC 2015 New version.
I think that it is very nice widget.
One of only a shame is that I do not appear when you enter the png.file to close icon.
Also by reducing the file size of the png.file could not be displayed.
It survives if you can tell us about the standard of the png.file.
Or you something cause is thought to another?

Thank you.




All you need to do is to keep the PNG file not larger than 40px y 40px, also make sure that you are exporting the png file with photoshop, just to make sure you have the proper format. If you did, and you still have issues, please submit a support ticket and send your file, we will be more than happy to look into it for you, thank you.

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